The Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) has announced the rescheduling of the Combined Competitive Examination (CCE) Prelims 2023. As per the latest notification available on the official website,, the exam date has been shifted from March 17 to March 18.

The official notification states, “In cancellation of this office earlier notification No. 24PSC|E-1112023-24 dated 16th February/2024 this is for information to all concerned that the Combined Competitive (Prelim) Examination, 2023 is rescheduled on 18th March 2024 (Monday) instead of 17th March, 2024 (Sunday).”
The recruitment drive aims to fill 235 positions within various departments, including the Assam Police Services, Assam Civil Services, and other APSC sectors. The Main examination is tentatively scheduled to take place in June/July 2024.
The APSC CCE examination comprises three stages: prelims, mains, and interview. The preliminary examination will feature two papers, each lasting two hours and consisting of objective-type multiple-choice questions. Both Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be evaluated for 200 marks each.