3 year old child raped by 10 year old boy! Stunned police

Assam News: A sensational rape has taken place in Rajasthan. A 10-year-old girl has been raped by her three-year-old sister in the Bhilwara district of the state. This crime takes place on a fence near the house.
The victim went to the house of the teenager after learning about the incident and the victim was killed between the mother of the victim and the mother of the victim. The police later informed about this. Submit Gochar. Police have launched an investigation into the allegations.

According to police, the victim’s mother alleged that her three-year-old granddaughter was playing in the nooks and crannies on the afternoon of June 26. But when the girl’s mother went to the enclosure to water the animals, she heard her granddaughter scream. It’s not that I don’t love you, it’s that I don’t love you, it’s not that I don’t love you, it’s not that I don’t love you, it’s not that I don’t love you.

The POCSO has filed a complaint under the Act in this regard and the victim Kanmani and the teenager have been treated. At least both of them are produced before the Child Welfare Committee by the police.

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